//SHOW/HIDE FLOATING MENU DIV var tabDisplayed=false; var timer; function HideContent(d) { document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none"; tabDisplayed=false; clearTimeout(timer); } function ShowContent(d) { if(tabDisplayed != d){ //if the currently displayed tab is different than the marked one, proceed if(tabDisplayed !=false) HideContent(tabDisplayed); //if there's a tab displayed, hide it document.getElementById(d).style.display = "block"; tabDisplayed=d; tabToCloseAuto=d; timer= setTimeout("HideContentAuto(tabToCloseAuto)",1200); } } function HideContentAuto(d) { if (tabDisplayed==d){ document.getElementById(d).style.display = "none"; tabDisplayed=false; } } function killTimer(){ clearTimeout(timer); } function restartTimer(d){ tabToCloseAuto=d; timer= setTimeout("HideContentAuto(tabToCloseAuto)",200); } //-->